Weekend Prep

This year, my family has traded fruit for more raw veggies. We still eat fruit, because it is delicious!! But we have really made an effort to add more veg to our "diet".  The boys really fell in love with raw peppers and sugar snap peas. Of course carrots and cucs are still a hit. Having them prepped and ready to eat is the key! Prep?! Who has time for that!? I know life is super busy, but I spend a few hours on the weekends getting food prepped for the week so that it is easy to make lunches and grab snacks. My usual prep includes homemade muffins, often granola or granola bars, energy bites, chopped veggies and fruit, and pre-made salads. If I have time to make a few sandwiches or get dinner marinating, that's a bonus! My weekend prep is a life saver through the week.  I am definitely glad I started this routine, it helps the family out quite a bit and reduces mid week stresses about lunches, and there are easy to grab snacks ready to eat.


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