My "School Year" Resolution:

As a teach and a mom, Back to School is MY "New Year". The calendar runs from September to September every year for me. This is when I set new goals to be a better mom and teacher; to be more organized, more prepared, eat better, make healthier lunches for the kids and prep dinners in advance to avoid the dinner time "mad rush".

Most days are like Ground hog day ... the same thing, day in, day out. Sounds dreadful, right? Some days, yes, but for the most part this "Ground hog day" routine keeps us functioning like a well oiled machine.  Routine and schedules help us get out the door in the morning on time and dinner on the table at a reasonable hour. For the most part, the kids know what to expect and can follow our lead.  We do have melt downs and days that start off "rough". Its bound to happen (and sometimes its me who is melting down :s).

This year my classroom resolution is to be even more organized. I have labelled every cabinet and storage bin. Each table group has their own supply cart, stocked with everything they will need.
At home, I also want to be more organized.  I have stocked our cupboards and freezer with lunch box snacks and homemade muffins. Tomorrow, I am getting together with my neighbour to make freezer meals too! Monday will be my weekly prep day for the first week back to school. Cutting up veggies and fruit, making sandwiches, boiling eggs (great snack), and prepping salads.

Well, I'm off for a run and to enjoy my last long weekend of summer!!
I will post my classroom pics later this weekend. :)


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