Give Thanks By Giving Back

In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I get all sappy and try to think of ways our family can "give back" to others for all we have. We are so fortunate in many ways that it makes me wonder how I want to raise our boys. They have So. Much. Stuff. Things. I want them to appreciate what they have and experience life, participate in traditions, create memories, and spend time with family. I feel like they want constant rewards or instant gratification with things, toys, candy, etc. What happened to a good ole high five, hug, or "good job buddy!". Not enough these days. I know they are little, but when do you start teaching them about being a compassionate, generous, empathetic member of society? That the world doesn't revolve around them; that kids their age across the world are working in fields and starving??
Start small. That's my plan. At their age they wont understand that some kids around the world that have no toys or food. But one day they will, and I want them to remember that we raised them to be aware of others and to lend a helping hand, whether it is a neighbour, the food bank, or somewhere across the world.

Here is how we can start small:

1. Donate to the food bank.
2. Give away clothes to someone in need or an organization, like a local daycare, Goodwill or  The Salvation Army.
3. Participate in charity events, like a run/walk/bike/hike. Kids too!
4. Collect pennies or pocket change to donate.
5. Open a family "Stand" (lemonade, cookies, etc.).
My sister and her girls held a "Scone and Tea" stand to raise money for Terry Fox.

6. Sponsor a child in another country, through organizations like World Vision, etc.

A little goes a long way. There is always more I wish I could do, or have more time for. For now, we will start small and add more when we can. The power of one.


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