Top 5 Organizational Tips

People always ask "Where do you find the time??"; time to work, organize my fridge (LOL), make dinner, exercise, and keep two kids alive ... well, part of it is planning ahead and being organized, the other part is my behind the scenes partner who supports me by doing laundry, boiling eggs for lunches, doing groceries, etc.

Being organized isn't easy, it takes effort, but you know the saying "work smarter, not harder", that's my motto. I have a few tips to share that help me stay organized (and sane). Here are my top 5:

1. Plan dinner ahead of time. Even if it is the night before, or morning of, it is still a plan.

2. Make your lunch and kids lunches at the same time that you are making dinner. The kitchen is a mess anyways.

3. I still iron my clothes (yes, even in 2014), but if I have the iron out, I iron a bunch of stuff that I might wear during the week. Also helps me plan in advance what I am going to wear. Believe it or not, picking out my clothes is usually what takes me the longest to get ready. If I plan a few days in a row, then I save time (and agony).

4. I get up before the kids each day and get fully ready before they get out of bed. Then there is no rush to get them dressed and fed while I am trying to do the same. Way less stress in the morning.

5. Do your Sunday prep! Can't say enough about that. Such a time saver!

These few things are routine now and really not much effort anymore because we have been doing it for so long. It just becomes part of our day and week.
I hope some of these tips will be helpful to you too!

P.S., I also fed my kids Lucky Charms for almost a year to get them out of bed. Really helpful if you have slept in too! They will move fast for that stuff! I also rationalized that I was sending them to school with a healthy lunch and daycare gave them a nutritious snack before school. Seems balanced right?  Just say "Yes", it will make me feel better! We have since weaned them off and are eating much healthier, but it was definitely a life saver for a while.  :)


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