To Juice or Not to Juice?

I was never one who thought about doing a "Juice cleanse". I eat pretty healthy, no gluten, no dairy, limited grains. I work out about 3 days a week too. Although my lifestyle is healthy, its not perfect! I do enjoy my wine, coffee, and dark chocolate! Balance is key!

With that said, now that we own a "freshii", I have been pretty curious about trying the cleanse. I wasn't sure I could survive without food til dinner! I love to eat!! But curiosity got the best of me and I tried a one day cleanse today! It consisted of 4 juices and a salad.

You need to drink the juices in order listed and eat the salad for dinner. The reasons are to absorb the most nutrients on an empty stomach and keep your energy up.

I really like all 4 juices! They have different flavours, but I like them all!! They taste fresh and clean!

I have to say that I prepared myself by keeping a banana and an avocado close by in case of hunger emergency, otherwise known as "hangry", but I have to admit that I was not hungry at all. My stomach did gurgle quite a bit late afternoon, but I didn't feel hunger and I wasn't grouchy! By 7pm, I was definitely ready to eat my dinner!! The Metaboost salad is very nutrient dense and fulfilling!

I had no cravings all day! I actually felt pretty good. I started to loose energy in the afternoon, but regained it after dinner. I also had a mild headache this aft, but probably due to lack of caffeine. Next time I would prepare myself better by eating cleaner the day before (it is March Break ;) LOL).

So why do a cleanse?

- a great way to start a new lifestyle and healthy habits
- detox after a vacation or indulgent weekend to help you get back on track
- rid your body of harmful toxins
- after a stressful event, help your body reset by feeding it dense nutrients
- curiosity!

The better you prepare your body to do the cleanse, the less effects you will feel from it. Use the guide provided from your freshii store to help you follow the program.

A few helpful tips:

- pack a few raw foods in case you feel light headed or "hangry".  I prefer bananas and avocados due to their rich nutrients and how satisfying they are.
- exercising is not recommended; light walking or yoga is ok.
- drink lots of water all day
- herbal teas are allowed
- eat clean the day prior, and plan to continue afterwards also.

It is recommended to reduce caffeine, sugar, alcohol etc in preparation for the cleanse. The nutritionist from freshii also recommends the following post cleanse: (found on a blog)

  • Begin each morning with a glass of warm water with freshly squeezed lemon.
  • Drink a superfood smoothie for breakfast with ingredients such as spinach, kale, chia seeds, hemp seeds, avocado, coconut oil and berries.
  • Consume lots of raw or lightly steamed vegetables, fruits, green salads & vegetable soups.
  • Slowly incorporate gluten-free grains into your plant-based meals-i.e. quinoa, brown rice, millet and amaranth.
  • Stick to plant-based proteins in the days following your cleanse (nuts, seeds & beans). Reintroduce light animal proteins gradually over the week such as steamed fish, white chicken or eggs.
  • Include fresh juices and plenty of plant-based foods each day for optimal health and wellness.
  • Continue to listen to your body to see what foods work well for you.
Use the Freshii Juice Cleanse as a chance to kick-start your health and break old habits of making poor food choices. Take this opportunity to start fresh, focusing your diet on plant-based and vegetable-rich meals; which will nourish your body from head to toe!

In-house Nutritionist

My staff and I are preparing to do a group one day cleanse next week! A little support and motivation go a long way! 

If you want to try a cleanse but still have questions, stop into freshii or message me!
P.S. If you are not ready for a cleanse, the juices are a great addition to your healthy lifestyle! They taste delicious!!


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