Travelling with Kids:

Travelling with kids can be fun or a nightmare! Some of our first vacations with kids were quite humorous (just ask our friends, Sandra and Dave) ... picture us pulling luggage, pushing a stroller, and juggling coffee ... Thank goodness for our well travelled friends who helped us out and have given us so many great tips on how to travel with sanity when you have kids.

Here are a few tips that we have gathered over the past 6 years while travelling with our boys (and our good friends of course):
  • Pack Ziploc bags for any need while away (wet items, left over lunch, snacks, etc.)
  • Create new and fun activities to do (in car or on a plane) - my friend prints off activity pages and puts them in a protective sleeve so that kids can write on them and erase with a wipe to play over and over again (e.g., connect the dots, mazes, "I-Spy", etc.)
  • Check out this fun Lego activity found on Pinterest
  • Pack snacks! "Hangry" kids are no fun! One year we made Fruit Loop cereal necklaces to eat on the plane. It was a hit!
  • Bring a few nightlights to have where ever you are travelling. I get them from Walmart or Dollar Store so that if they get left behind, no problem.
  • I like to pick up a few small surprises to pull out on the airplane (e.g., small toy, gum, stickers, a new book, etc.)
  • Pack wipes! Even if your kids are out of diapers .... wipes are good for everything!
  • A few extras in my purse: Hand sanitizer, earphones, lip chap, hand cream, Gravol
  • Final tip: Don't try to drink coffee while trying maneuver the airport with kids and carry-on luggage!! LOL ;)
Bon Voyage!
~ Jen


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