New Year's Resolutions

Its that time of year where we take a look at what we want for the "new year". Its nice to look at it as a fresh start; a new beginning.  It forces us to take a look at what we can improve.  I read a blog today that a mom wrote stating that she was not making resolutions; that she was good enough as it is. And as much as I want to buy into that, I feel like I can always do a bit better. I want to be better. I don't feel I HAVE to. Maybe that is the difference.  This other mom blogger didn't want to change, and that's ok too!

My resolution for this year can be summed up in one word: ACCEPTANCE.

I want to accept that I am good enough; I want to accept the things I can not change; Accept the challenges in our life; Accept help from others.

Whether it is personal, at home, socially, or work, I will try to be more accepting.

Happy New Year!
~ Jen


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